Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nature vs Nurture

I'm sure you have heard this debate before: nature vs nuture? Which plays more of a role in a child's development? Well, I have to say with my 2-year-old son, it's nature all the way. He loves running, jumping, climbing, rough housing, and being up-side-down. He loves to play with his trucks, cars, and trains and could care less about his stuffed animals. And now, his favorite things to say in the car:
"I see a digger/dump truck/tractor!"
"I see police car/firetruck!"
"Find MORE digger/dump truck/tractor/police car/firetruck Mommy! FIND MORE!"

Ok, ok Stephen. I'll be sure to drive right over to that construction site where there is a police officer directing traffic and a train going by all at once. That's nurture, right? :)

Laura Elaine
PS - don't forget to check out my $45 CSN Stores Giveaway HERE!

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